Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Quran burning incident in Sweden: Strong reaction from Muslim majority countries including Turkey and Pakistan

Quran burning incident in Sweden Strong response from Muslim maturity countries including Turkey and Pakistan Turkey

has explosively blamed the burning of a dupe of the Holy Quran during a kick in Sweden, calling it a" despicable act".

Turkey said the Swedish government's decision to allow the demurrers was" fully inferior". In fact, the conflict between

Turkey and Sweden at the politic position is getting deeper. Turkey has canceled the visit of Swedish Defense Minister Paul

Johnson to Turkey, requesting Sweden to end the demurrers. While Turkey says that the visit has now" lost its significance

and meaning." On the other hand, Paul Johnson says," history I met Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar at the American

military base in Ramstein, Germany." We've decided to defer the meeting in Ankara for the time being. How did the

incident of burning the Quran be? Sweden wants to join the NATO service alliance and NATO member Turkey is against it.

Being a member of NATO, it can expostulate and help any other country from joining the alliance. Sweden and Finland

applied for NATO class after the Russo- Ukraine war broke out. For this reason, right- sect activists are protesting against

Turkey in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. During these demurrers, Rasmus Paludan, leader of the far-right Storm Kris

party, set fire to a dupe of the Quran outside the Turkish delegacy in Stockholm on Saturday. Paludan had also held rallies

last time in which he hovered to burn the Quran, after which the demurrers started. Swedish Prime Minister Alf Kristerson

has also condemned the incident. He said that freedom of expression is a abecedarian part of republic, but what's legal

isn't inescapably applicable. For numerous people, burning holy books is largely impious. He wrote," I want to express my

sympathy to all Muslims who have been hurt by the incident in Stockholm moment." videotape Caption Warning The

Ayoub nawaz news isn't responsible for the content of other websites. 

Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Bluström also

described the incident as" terrible". He wrote on Twitter that" Sweden has freedom of expression, but that doesn't mean

that the government then or I support the expression in the demonstration." Separate demurrers were held in Stockholm in

support and opposition to Turkey. Protesters in Stockholm last week hung an effigy of President Erdogan from a lamppost

in what Sweden's high minister said was an attempt to sabotage Sweden's NATO shot. What's the conflict between Turkey

and Sweden? It was believed that the visit of the Swedish defense minister to Turkey would show that Turkey isn't opposed

to Sweden joining NATO. still, last time, Turkey opposed Sweden and Finland's operation to join NATO. He also removed

his proscription last time to help the two countries from joining NATO. Turkey wants the two Nordic countries to stop

supporting fortified Kurdish groups like Sweden and Turkey to the PKK( Kurdish Workers' Party) and lift an proscription on

certain arms deals to Turkey. Turkey says that Sweden has sheltered some members of the group. still, Sweden has

denied the allegations. Turkey also wants political concessions, including the repatriation of President Recep Tayyip

Erdogan and critics of Kurdish leaders who have been labeled terrorists.

" Islamophobia, racism and demarcation in Europe have reached dangerous situations." Muslims believe that the Quran

is the word of God.

And it's considered a veritably holy book in Islam. designedly dangerous or affronting theQur'an is inferior for Muslims.

Turkey is a Muslim maturity country. Turkey's foreign ministry issued a statement condemning the action, saying it came

despite" repeated warnings". Allowing thisanti-Islamic act, which targets Muslims and cuts our sacred values, under the

guise of" freedom of expression, is fully inferior," it said. Turkey's statement said that the Koran burning incident is another

illustration of the fact that Islamophobia, racism and demarcation have reached dangerous situations in Europe. Turkey has

called on the Swedish government to take" necessary measures". response of Shahbaz Sharif and Imran Khan Pakistan's

Prime Minister Shehbaz and the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly have also explosively condemned

The profanation and burning of the Holly Quran in Sweden, Shehbaz sharif says, that words arent's enough the condemn the

heinous act of profanation of Holy Quran by a right- sect revolutionist in Sweden. He says that the cloak of freedom of

speech can not be used to hurt the religious sentiments of one and a half billion Muslims around the world. This is inferior.

Warning The Ayoub nawaz news isn't responsible for the content of other websites. Speaker National Assembly Raja Pervez

Ashraf and Deputy Speaker Zahid Akram Durrani also explosively condemned the incident of profanation of the Holy

Quran and burning of incense in Sweden and said that the world was affected by the profanation of the Holy Quran and

burning of incense in Sweden. The passions and sentiments of the Muslims living each over have been poorly hurt, no

matter how important this heinous act is condemned. He said that Islam is a peaceful religion and teaches respect for the

training and beliefs of all persuasions. He said that under the guise of freedom of expression, no bone

 can be allowed to violate the holy religious books of people belonging to other persuasions. He further said that these

kinds of heinous incidents produce abomination for each other in the hearts which are a trouble to the peace of the world.

He emphasized the need to take immediate action against the rudiments involved in this heinous act. Former Prime

Minister and Chairman of Tehreek-e-Insaaf Imran Khan has also condemned the burning of Quran during the kick in 

Report by Ayoub nawaz news..

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